DUI First Offense – Under Mississippi’s DUI law, a first offense conviction carries a maximum fine of $1000, plus court costs and state assessments, which can add hundreds of dollars more. In addition, you may be sentenced to serve up to 48 hours in jail. You must also complete the Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP), a four session class. Your driver’s license will be suspended for 120 days (plus an additional 90 days if you refused breath, blood or urine tests requested by the officer). As well, probation and alcohol or drug counseling and testing may also be required by the court.
Leveraging two decades of unparalleled expertise in the criminal justice landscape, our law firm provides exceptional legal counsel for DUI cases. Led by a former DUI prosecutor and a distinguished Mississippi DUI defense attorney, we boast an outstanding track record of success. Reach out to us at 601-207-3732 today for a consultation on your case.
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Why Choose Us
In Mississippi, the consequences for driving under the influence (DUI) are among the most severe in the nation, encompassing drugs, prescription medications, and alcohol. A DUI arrest can lead to criminal charges, substantial fines, and the potential loss of your driving license either temporarily or for good.
Understanding the right steps to take—and when to take them—can save you significant money, prevent extended license suspensions or revocations, and help you avoid a criminal record.
That’s why partnering with a seasoned DUI attorney is essential. At The Sims Law Firm, we are dedicated to achieving the most favorable resolution for your situation.